Mediapolis uses the Mayor-Council form of city government, the only form available until 1902. It is still the most common form and is used today in more than 97% of Iowa cities, particularly in those with a population of less than 5,000 people. A popularly elected mayor and a five-member council generally govern Mayor-Council cities, although variations are possible in the number of council members. There are five council members in Mediapolis. Elections are held every two years and those elected serve a four-year term. In order to keep some continuity; the mayor and two members are elected at the same time and in the following election, the other three council members are elected. Generally speaking, the council has only policy-making powers and the Mayor has administrative or executive powers.
Laws that govern the citizens of Mediapolis come from the State and Federal Government as well as from the Mediapolis City Code. Iowa cities have what is known as Home Rule Power. This means that the City has all powers to act and make laws except those denied them by the Constitution and general statues. Cities have broad powers to (1) enter into contracts, (2) employ persons, (3) acquire, manage, and dispose of property, and (4) regulate persons. Mediapolis passes ordinances and resolutions in order to do so.
An Ordinance is a city law of general and permanent nature. In order to become effective after passage by a roll call vote of the Council, Ordinances must be published in the newspaper and will eventually become a part of the Mediapolis Municipal Code. Ordinances can cover a wide variety of topics ranging from defining the powers and duties of administrative officers of the city to designating stop sign intersections.
A resolution is a council statement of policy or a council order for action to be taken. Resolutions require a roll call vote as well but do not need to be published in the newspaper. They do not become a part of the City Code but are kept in a separate book called the Book of Resolutions. Resolutions typically cover a wide variety of topics ranging from the awarding of construction contract bids to the adoption of wages for city employees.
In order to pass an Ordinance, three readings must be made at three separate meetings. In special cases, the council may suspend the "three meeting" requirement by a recorded vote of not less than three-fourths of the council members. Resolutions may be passed and adopted after only one reading.
The Duties and responsibilities of city councils in Iowa. They pass ordinances, resolutions, amendments, and motions. City councils establish city policy. They...